Keio University, Graduate School of Media and Governance
MAUI Project
Ph.D. Dissertation

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TITLE Development and validation of value creation model by users' proactive utilization in healthcare data

In recent years, a national effort has been underway to help individuals utilize their health data and keep their own health records. A variety of smartphone applications can connect users' health data directly to service providers. Users can benefit from value that suits their objectives. However, according to a survey by a domestic research agency*ยน, most Japanese people are not interested in these services in the health sector, and a majority of the current users are not satisfied with the services. In other words, value for a company is not the same as the value perceived by the individuals who comprise a company's customer base. An immense gap exists in the purpose of value creation between service providers and users who should be customers.

In existing research on customer value, value is commonly classified by customers' perception of benefits and costs and evaluates these classifications with static elements. However, no unified view prevails for defining value elements, and the relationship between value creation and users' actions seems unclear. Individual values do not sufficiently reflect customer value. Necessity demands a new model for the evaluation of value in a data-driven society.

Therefore, in this dissertation, we redefine value for individuals and develop a more sophisticated method of evaluating value in the health care field. The aim of this dissertation is to develop and verify a new model that consists of dynamic elements, such as human actions, resulting in more precisely evaluating value and increasing the understanding between the relationship of humans and information processing more than ever before.

In order to develop the model, we reviewed the existing theories on information-processing models and clarified what actions only humans can perform to transform data into valuable information. From the standpoint of information-processing theory, we found that a user's intention forms a value standard and supports autonomous actions to create value. The model developed in this dissertation is characterized by a clear collaborative relationship between users and information-processing applications because value is not measured in a static dimension but in the dimension of dynamic human actions. We gave the model the generic name IGRPA, an acronym created from five elements: intention (user intention), generate (generate data), record (record data), perceive (perceive value), and action (action from value).

We verified this model using analytical methods. We conducted a survey, questioning approximately 4,800 users of application services in the health field.

From the corrected sample data, we scored each ratio for I, G, R, P, A by the degree of loading and divided sample data into two analysis data groups: Group A data (N=117) consists of a single app service, and Group B data (N=233) consists of fourteen app services. We performed covariance structure analysis in the two sample groups separately and compared the results via confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). The results show that both GFI and AGFI from two data groups are more than 0.93. We conclude that this result supports and proves our evaluation model that consists of the five dynamic elements: Intention, Generate, Record, Perceive, and Act.

Keywords: Healthcare, Information processing model, Competitive strategy, Value creation, Shared Value

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